Frequently Asked Questions

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Need help with your insurance claim? We're here to help.
What is an AOB insurance claim?
AOB stands for Assignment of Insurance Benefits.  In some states, assignments of benefits are used as a way of obtaining mitigation and repair services without paying any upfront costs outside of your deductible. Instead of requiring upfront payment, some contractors and service providers will accept an AOB.  The AOB allows the service provider or contractor to stand in the shoes of the Insured and allows them to bill the Insured's Insurance Company directly.
What is a commercial insurance claim?
A commercial insurance claim is a claim that is filed by a business to recover financial losses due to property damage or other events. Businesses can file commercial insurance claims to recover financial losses due to a variety of events, such as fire, flood, theft, or vandalism.
What is a home insurance claim?
A home insurance claim is a claim that is filed by a homeowner to recover financial losses due to property damage caused by a covered event. Homeowners can file home insurance claims to recover financial losses due to a variety of events, such as fire, flood, theft, or vandalism.
What are the benefits of working with an experienced insurance lawyer?
An experienced insurance lawyer can help you with a variety of tasks related to your insurance claim, including: Reviewing your insurance policy and determining your coverage options. Investigating the cause of your property damage. Negotiating with your insurance company on your behalf. Filing a lawsuit if necessary.
How can I get help with my insurance claim?
If you have been denied or underpaid by your insurance company, you may need to contact an experienced insurance attorney to recover the insurance proceeds you need to repair your home.  Contact us now at (888) 491-6551
to schedule a free consultation.

Let’s work on your case together

We have a proven track record of success in suing abusive insurance companies and getting our clients the compensation they deserve.